Become the biggest bull in the gym with Bull Power!
Commissioned by a client who wanted a file to make him grow "too big" this file stops you from masturbating and redirects your sexual energy into compulsive weightlifting instead so as to increase your fitness for breeding. You can get the whole 5 file Bull Power system now for $20 at Warp My Mind; or sample the spiral below and check out the user experiences before making your decision.
Note: This is a 90 second promotional version of the spiral; the full system comes with your choice of 3 minute 30 second spirals for Bisexual/Dumbing, and Gay or Straight non-dumbing versions.Become the biggest and strongest bull in the gym with my Bull Power #bodybuilding #EroticHypnosis system— VastCountryHypno (@VastHypno) April 11, 2019
Bull Power is designed to work with all the files in the Smart Jock and Masculine Conditioning systems, as well as Hypnotic Chastity / Anti Masturbation blessing. It should work with pretty much all of my files as well as most outside hypnosis.
What Is Bull Power Like for the Creator of the File?
As the creator of the file I lived Bull Power for 3 months straight; I have noticed quite a few effects: Most noticeably the gym feels like home in a way I never knew before. I am lifting markedly heavier than I used to and tend to try for more reps. My dick went back into growth mode, after having plateaued for a while after I stopped Jockstrap Penis Growth. I pondered going back to nofap and have been reluctant to masturbate to climax but can still stroke at will. It's made me more dominant and unusually horny for anal sex.As for my personal gains I Went from Leg press PR of 180Lbs to a 20 rep max of 290lbs in 3 months; up 50Lbs on bench press; maintained extreme low body fat. Only a 5lbs gain in weight, though.
I have experienced an extreme increase in both libido and volume of semen produced, despite the middling success of the anti-masturbation parts of Bull Power; sometimes ejaculating as much as a half a cup of spunk into my regular bottom when I haven't cum for a while.
Why Quit Masturbation?
So, to address the main question I get about this file: Why does the file prevent its users from masturbating? The answer is threefold: firstly that masturbation consumes time and energy that would likely be better off spent in the gym; and secondly that abstinence from masturbation produces an excess of sexual energy that the hypnosis can channel to use as a source of gym motivation.
Most importantly, the semen retention caused by quitting masturbation leads to an increase in both confidence and testosterone, which aids in muscle growth by providing a sort of natural steroids obtained through denying yourself sexual release.
All test subjects except me experienced either a total inability to masturbate or were reduced to being able to "sneak a few strokes" before their hands wandered away. If the anti-masturbation part of Bull Power is important to you and has not been fully effective this problem can easily be remedied by adding either Anti Masturbation Blessing or Hypnotic Chastity to the system.
Test Subject Reports:
Bull Power was tested with an initial test group of 7 subjects; two of whom dropped out fairly early in the testing. Of the 5 remaining subjects, practically everyone experienced an increase in both gym attendance and motivation to lift weights; and a minority of subjects experienced a very large increase on these scales. The majority of subjects (3/5) black out all or most of the time to this file, and the remaining two usually trance very deep. Unreported in the comments but obvious from context: literally every test subject except me changed his Twitter profile pic to a piece of anthro bull art...
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Original subject T-Bone said: "When I was listening regularly, I found myself very horny most of the time and could at most stroke for 5 seconds before my hands went and did something else. I was going to the gym regularly and finding myself looking forward to it, craving it. In short I need to get back on it. It's also the only file that I have blacked out consistently on."
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Test Subject Nipple Bull described it as follows:
I was 16 or 17. Stumbled across a hypno file for gym motivation /jock transformation.... Something like that.
The next day I went to the local gym and signed up. Never had an inkling to workout before that! And have gone in and out of gym motivation.... But this file. Is what I dreamt that first file of doing to me. So thank you..... Seriously Never gone so deep to a file and never been addicted to one before. It is my life now, even when I think it isn't.
Everything has changed for me. From the type of gym sessions I do to never touching myself, as well as my motivation and focus. Unfortunately I have moved to another country and haven't been able to get to a gym yet and I feel a part of myself missing. The gym is all I need. How can I achieve my goals of becoming the biggest and strongest bull otherwise. I am not structuring my travels around one necessity.... A gym.
Submissive subjects will be pleased to hear Service Beast's experience:
I'm a submissive BDSM fuck hole, so I'm not feeling more aggressive myself, but definitely feeling more attuned to Alpha aggressive men. I'm working out consistently and having strong workouts, grooving on the inability to touch myself, and the scents and masculine forms at the gym.
I'm already fairly dedicated to the gym, so I've noticed an increase, but only "some" because I'm going so often anyhow.
Very true! @VastHypno kept asking me about the effectiveness of certain elements of the track, but I could never remember any of it. I blacked out almost every time.
The additional files given through the script such as the extra spirals no longer work through the link provided please fix it? I just bought it on wmm.