Tuesday, October 25, 2016



What if you could let go of your shame
and just be what you wanted to be?

"What If?" is a pair of words
with an almost magical power.
When you hear the words "what if..."
you automatically suspend your judgement
and consider the possibility
that another solution might work,
follow the logic of that idea
and see where it goes.

If it works out, you find a solution
and otherwise, ideas are free
and you can throw it away
and go on believing
whatever you believed before.
So you might as well just try it
as you have nothing to lose but your shame.

So let's try it now:
What if... you embrace the radical notion
that shame is a thing of YOUR mind,
nothing more than a feeling inside your head
subject to your own mind's control?
What would that mean to you?
Would it change anything?

It means that shame stops being external
and becomes subject to your control.
Other people can TRY to shame you,
but if they have to try to do it
then clearly it's possible for them to fail.
And if you can find a way to make it happen,
then you can be free from the need
to conform to other people's expectations
in order to avoid shame.

It means that you can be free to be
whatever it is that you choose to be,
and other people can just have their opinion
while you enjoy the freedom to be yourself.

It's YOUR sense of OK now and
the only way that anyone can take it away
is if you choose to let them take it away.
and the other guy is powerless to make you
feel anything other than what you want to feel.

Those are some pretty powerful words, huh?
Those two little words "what if"
just opened your mind to a whole world
of possibilities you might have otherwise missed.
The first inkling of a solution
that might just change your life.

Let's try it again:
What if... you embrace the radical notion
that you have the power to just let it be OK?
That you can say "So what?"
to the other guy's opinion and life goes on,
and things still work out just fine
the world just goes on turning
just like it always has
and you still get the full panoply of life
with the whole rainbow of emotions
and all of the experiences you want to have.

Nothing about the world has changed,
with the singular exception that you are now free.
Freed from the burden of guilt and shame.
Free to persue all your interests in peace,
and free to let others do the same.

But, is it true?
Can it really be that simple?
Trust me, my friend, it is.
I've lived that way for many years
and it works just fine for me.

All you have to do is accept the world
just the way it is and let it be OK
for you to be you and me to be me
and accept that other people will do
whatever they're going to do and
believe whatever they're going to believe
and the world will keep on turning
and things work out just fine.

And in the end, isn't it kinda silly
to worry about what other people think?
When, most of the time,
they're so wrapped up in their own problems
that they've simply failed to notice you
and lack any reason to think of you at all.
Other people think about themselves
just like you think about yourself.
So why waste your time projecting emotions
that the other person likely isn't feeling
when you could use that time persuing
the dreams that you want to persue.

If you choose to
you can wear your acceptance
like a suit of armor.
And on those rare occasions
when someone disapproves
that's his problem, not yours.
You just say "So what?"
and the words harmlessly roll off
like water off a duck's back.
And everybody goes on with their life
and it's a whole lot healthier all around.

Acceptance is the answer
that will lead to a happier life.
Acceptance of self, others, and the world.
because things will be OK
just as long as you let them be OK.
And acceptance is the answer
that will help you let it be OK.

And if you were looking
for someone's permission
you have mine.
I believe in you, dear listener.
Maybe more than you believe in yourself.
I believe that you
have the right to be happy,
just the way you are
if that's what you want to be.

And I believe that you
have the right to change
into whatever it is
that would most please you,
if THAT is what you want to be.

And I will still accept you regardless,
just as long as you accept me.

And if it makes it easier for you,
to give me the credit or the blame:
feel free. It's OK. I can take it.
But know in your heart of hearts
that the power was yours all along
and I just showed you how to find it.

Go in peace, dear listener, and be free.
Free from the fear of the judgement of others.
Free from the worry about what they think.
Free from shame about being who you are.
Free to become what you really want to be.