Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Cabin in the Woods

The cabin in the woods is your home base in the Vast Country, the center of your hypnotic world.
Besides being a hypnotic safe place, it also serves as a meeting place with alters, a place to store the things accumulated in your adventures, and a place with a convenient mental geography for casting a wide variety of mind wizarding spells later in your adventures.

You are literally laying the foundations of the rest of the system with this induction, so burn it in hard and reap the rewards later.  The cabin is a very versatile space that will be useful to almost anyone with a hypnotic life, and building it by magic is a good introduction to your powers in the Vast Country.

Building the Cabin in the Woods

In order to build a cabin, 
you must first imagine a forest.

Imagine a forest,
somewhere inside you,
somewhere in the backcountry
 of your imagination,
deep within the vast country inside you, the vast country where all of your dreams can come true.

Feel yourself walking in the forest,
feel the sun on your back 
as you walk between the sun and the shadow
enjoying the cool air in the forest.

Listening to the babbling 
of your stream of consciousness
it is always there, 
your stream of consciousness
but in hypnosis we simply learn 
to step away from the stream of consciousness.

You step away from the stream of consciousness,
to examine a sturdy tree in the forest.
You could build a cabin from such a tree.
It is a beautiful tree with a strong hard wood
resistant to any disaster.
A cabin made of such wood would last forever.

You mark the tree with a magical sign,
and you wander down along the stream,
listing to the relaxing sound,
the sound of the stream of your consciousness.

And as you wander along the stream,
you admire all of the sturdiest trees,
the strongest timber in all of the forest,
and you mark each one with the magical sign,
you wander down the stream in the forest.
Watching the sun play in the shadows on the path
feeling the air on your skin. 

You lie down into the stream of consciousness,
and you feel yourself beginning to dissolve into it.
You feel yourself fade back into your physical body,
and then return to the vast country, 
slipping back into your dream body, 
washed clean of all resistance.

You do not need your resistance in the vast country,
it will only hinder your magic.  
You give up your resistance, 
and you store it in a bucket.
You give up your resistance, 
and feel your magic grow.
Growing more and more powerful 
as the resistance washes away.

Without resistance it is easy,
to use the laws of the vast country,
to make whatever you want become so,
simply because you choose to believe them so.
Because, by the laws of the vast country,
if you imagine it, it is real;
and the more you imagine it, 
the more real it becomes to you.

You emerge from the stream of consciousness,
and gather all the resistance you have washed away,
into a magical bucket, that will contain it,
contain it until you can use in later magic.

You let your mind roam, 
down along the banks of your stream of consciousness
to find the perfect place to build a cabin in the woods.
You come upon a clearing, 
with a view of the lake of your memory,
a clearing with a beautiful meadow,
a beautiful meadow full of wildflowers...

All the most beautiful ideas grow here,
untended, the wildflowers of your mind.
This must be the most fertile soil in the whole of the Vast Country.
It is where your dreams grow,
and send out shoots down the stream of consciousness
to influence your waking life in the real world.

If you planted a garden of the mind here,
you could grow any ideas you chose to:
you could tend it and fertilize it,
prune it into the form you wanted,
and it would grow and flourish,
and being so close to the stream of consciousness,
it could send out shoots down your stream of consciousness,
growing out into the real world,
changing your behaviors and your opinions.

And being so close to the lake of your memory,
there would be another source of water,
that your ideas could draw from, 
absorbing your history to make them stronger,
growing and flourishing into your future.

You look out across the placid waters
of the lake of your memories,
smooth and placid, such a beautiful view.
You could look out on that view forever.

You could choose any place that you wanted
as your home base in the vast country.
You could imagine the place of your dreams 
if you chose to, but you choose to live here, 
because the magic is strong here, 
and the view, out across the lake of your memory,
with the forest and mountains on the other side
is just so beautiful to you.

You can retire here in the vast country,
and make this your base of operations 
for all of your adventures out there
in the backcountry of your mind.
The magic is strong here,
and you have easy access to everything you need,
to control every aspect of your hypnotic life.

The idea grows and grows in your mind,
and the more the idea grows, 
the more you imagine it real,
and in the vast country, 
the more you imagine it, 
the more real it becomes to you.
This image in your mind, 
of the cabin in the woods
there where the stream of consciousness
flows out into the lake of your memory.
There where the magic is strongest.

The plan is seared into your mind now:
over the next few nights you will build it,
build it in more and more detail in your mind.
and by the laws of the Vast Country,
when you have imagined it, it will become so.

You begin by deepening your trance,
letting your mind expand as your dream body fades,
giving up all cares about your body,
and focusing the full power of your mind
into raising the level of your consciousness,
and as your consciousness expands, 
your stream of consciousness begins to flood,
clearing the land for the cabin in the woods,
clearing your mind to plant a garden in the fertile mud 
left behind by the receding waters.

Feel the waters receding as you return to your dream body,
draining away into the lake of your memory,
leaving the land clear to build your cabin,
except for one small puddle at the lowest point.
You imagine the pond growing deeper and deeper,
right down to the bedrock of the core of your existence,
expanding outwards to the exact shape,
of the foundation you have chosen.

You grab your bucket of resistance,
and you mix it into the concrete,
and pour it into three foot walls,
resistant to all magic, from within or without.
This will be your safest saferoom,
impervious to any influence from the outside.
It will also be your alchemy lab,
where you can formulate the seeds
of the ideas you plant in the garden of the mind
without any influence bleeding in 
from the rest of the vast country.

The walls of the lab are thick concrete,
nothing can penetrate them.
No magic you do here will bleed out 
into the rest of the vast country,
unless you choose to bring it out with you.
No magic spell cast anywhere else in the vast country
can penetrate the thick concrete walls
made of pure hypnotic resistance,
so that no magic spell can influence the work you do here.

You will make pure seeds,
to grow in the garden of your mind, 
so that they will grow and flourish
into just the form you want them to be
because you make them in a controlled, sealed environment
where any mistakes can be contained,
so that only you can choose what ideas to plant
in the garden of your mind.

The thick walls of the lab are also the foundation
the unshakable foundation of the cabin in the woods,
making the cabin eternal in your mind
so that no matter the storm or flood 
it can always be reimagined on exactly this spot,
and be new and perfect the next time you need it.

You imagine yourself a trapdoor,
and you seal the top of the foundation,
with three feet of resistance concrete,
sealing in the alchemy lab from all sides,
leaving only the trapdoor up to the cabin.

You climb up, through the trapdoor
after laying the foundation,
and you find a pile of timber,
all the strongest trees in the forest 
with that perfect impervious wood
that will last forever in your mind,
keeping you safe inside your cabin,
from anything that might threaten you,
whether in the Vast Country or the real world.

You cast a spell upon the timber,
and it assembles into the cabin,
a perfect copy of the image in your mind,
that came to you the moment you first considered
that there could be such a thing 
as a cabin in the woods deep inside your mind.

And as you imagine it, in more and more detail
the cabin in the woods becomes more and more real
the magical wood shaping itself to what you imagine.
When the outside form pleases you, you let it settle,
into an image of your perfect cabin in the woods.

In the vast country, space can be bent to your whims.
You relax your mind and summon the magic,
feeling the power of the vast country
flowing through your mind. Space and time are just figments here,
figments that you can control if you choose to.
You cast a spell upon the cabin, making it eternal,
so that it will shine forever in your mind,
and be there as a safe place whenever you need one.
You cast a spell upon the cabin, bending it to your whims
so that it can be precisely as big on the outside
as is pleasing for you to imagine,
and yet precisely as big on the inside,
as you might care to imagine it to be.

You step through the front door of the cabin in your mind,
and you imagine yourself an impressive library,
where you will store all your tapes and your books of magic, 
with a view out across the meadow and the garden and beyond,
to the mountains of the backcountry of your imagination,
so that you can be inspired there.
With a bar full of bottled memories
that you have dredged up from the lake of your memory
so that you can experience them again as if they were new.

Across the hall, You imagine a living room, 
in the back of the cabin in the woods
with a glass door out to the back porch
so you can look out across the lake of your memory,
and remember anything that ever transpired,
either in your real life or in the vast country.

In the living room you can meet with the others,
who share your life and your consciousness.
You can speak with them, if you choose to
and share your memories out the window,
so that they can share their wisdom with you,
and advise you on your life and hypnotic work.

Down the hall in either direction,
You imagine rooms in the cabin in the woods 
for each of the inhabitants who lives inside your mind,
anyone you share your mind with
who you trust to take over your body
can have their own room in the cabin in the woods,
where they can go to be safe
 whenever they are not in your body
with a window on the world in their bedroom,
so that the inhabitant can look out,
look out to see what the body is seeing
a window that can be opened 
to let the sounds and the smells 
and the sensations of the real world in
and hear what the body is hearing.

And above, under the roof of the cabin,
you will have an attic, where you can store
all the things that you have collected
in your adventures in your mind.
You charm your attic with powerful magic,
so that you can find whatever you need there
as long as you have ever stored it there.

You climb down from the attic,
and you find yourself growing very tired.
You notice a sign on the wall of the living room
the sign says: 
"Will the Last one out please turn out the lights?"
You look around and notice that it is night now
and all of the other inhabitants of your mind have gone to bed.

You open the front door and imagine the meadow,
back into a state of pristine beauty, 
glittering magically in the moonlight,
with all of your construction debris gone.
And you charm any creatures that might still be awake 
charm them with your magical music into a deep sleep.

You lock the front door of the cabin,
and you turn out all of the lights.
You go to your room in the cabin,
and open your window on the world a bit,
so you can listen to the tapes the body is hearing,
you draw the curtan on your consciousness,
and imagine yourself a perfect bed,
so soft, so comfortable.
In this bed you will sleep,
sleep with your mind open 
open to the power of the vast country,
and as you sleep your mind will remain open,
letting the suggestions on the tape in your ears
pass unfiltered into your subconscious...
programming it stronger and stronger,
to grow the ideas you have chosen.

Sleep now with your mind open,
and feel the power of the vast country
passing through you and into your body
sleep, and let the my voice pass through you.

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